Monday 15 December 2014

Personal Gods (and the Ascencion of a new One)

If you know me you probably know I believe a certain person to be a God.

His name is Neil Gaiman and he is one of my favorite writers.
"The Ocean at the End of the Lane" is one of the best books I read and Gaiman can't seem to do no wrong when it comes to writing.
And let's not start talking about "Sandman"...
(One day I'll write more about Mr. Gaiman)


But in the last two years another person ascended to Godhood.

And that person goes by the name of Joe Hill.
He's not as known as Gaiman and certainly not as known as his father is.
You see Mr. Hill is son of a guy called Stephen King (you probably know him...).
But back to Joe Hill.
I was introduced to his writing with a comic called "Locke & Key", a story of Demons, Family and Keys that give special abilities to the ones that use them.
I was hooked.
After that I bought his novels. "Heart-Shaped Box" a story about a rockstar that's given a suit and starts to be haunted by the ghost of the suit previous owner. After that I bought "20th Century Ghosts" and "Horns" (before the film came out, but let's not talk about it...).
I'm missing some of his books still. But he got to a place that no other writer had up until then.
He's not up there with Gaiman but he's a God neverthless.


And now a new One as Ascended.

Or rather is Ascending.
The gentleman in question is a former music and computer games journalist called Kieron Gillen.
"Phonogram" is amazing. A story that mixes Music and Magic. His "Young Avengers" run is also compelling and you can't stop reading it.
But the turning point that made him start ascending to Godhood was a story about Gods.
In "The Wicked+The Divine" every ninety years Gods return to earth as young people. Just to die after two years.
It has Music. It has Gods. It is Great.


Edit: Concerning Mr. Gillen there's also playlists created for his comics. In the case of Phonogram: The Singles Club those are the songs playing at the club during the story.
Here they are Phonogram, The Wicked + The Divine, Young Avengers

Monday 16 June 2014


Há músicas que ouvimos num certo dia, num certo momento, e percebemos que são músicas que dizem algo que queremos dizer, ou que deviamos ter dito e agora é tarde.

Esta é uma delas... e hoje um desses dias.
Deixo-vos com Halestorm "Here's to Us"

 "Here's To Us"

We could just go home right now
Or maybe we could stick around
For just one more drink, oh yeah
Get another bottle out
Lets shoot the shit
Sit back down
For just one more drink, oh yeah

Here's to us
Here's to love
All the times
That we fucked up
Here's to you
Fill the glass
Cause the last few days
Have kicked my ass
So lets give em hell
Wish everybody well
Here's to us
Here's to us

Stuck it out this far together
Put our dreams through the shredder
Let’s toast cause things got better
and everything could change like that
And all these years go by so fast
But nothing lasts forever

Here's to us
Here's to love
All the times
That we messed up
Here's to you
Fill the glass
Cause the last few nights
Have kicked my ass
If they give you hell
Tell em to go fuck themselves
Here's to us
Here's to us

Here's to all that we kissed
And to all that we missed
To the biggest mistakes
That we just wouldn’t trade
To us breaking up
Without us breaking down
To whatever's come our way

Here's to us
Here's to love
All the times
That we fucked up
Here's to you
Fill the glass
Cause the last few days
Have kicked my ass
So let's give em hell
Wish everybody well

Here's to us
Here's to love
All the times
That we messed up
Here's to you
Fill the glass
Cause the last few nights
Have kicked my ass
If they give you hell
Tell em to go fuck themselves
(Go fuck themselves)
Here's to us
Here's to us
Here's to us
Here's to us

Here’s to us
Here’s to love
Here’s to us (Wish everybody well)
Here’s to us
Here’s to love
Here’s to us

Here’s to us

Tuesday 24 September 2013

Wisdom... Or something like it

“A Kenyan man once said to me, “you can get used to everything when money’s involved.” He used to stick mice up his ass for twenty bucks a time.”

Spider Jerusalem

Tuesday 10 September 2013

It's been a while

Yeah, you know what this means...

"And it's been awhile
Since I've seen the way
The candles light your face
And it's been awhile
But I can still remember
Just the way you taste"

Monday 23 July 2012

Mais sabedoria

Mais uma vez Hank Moody.
Ninguém pode negar que o senhor sabe umas coisas.
Desta vez foi em relação ao " classic heartbreak album" e o senhor tem mais uma vez razão ao escolher o album Blood on tracks do mestre Bob Dylan.

A cena é esta (Lyrics e link para a música no fim):


If you see her, say hello, she might be in Tangier
She left here last early Spring, is livin' there, I hear
Say for me that I’m all right though things get kind of slow
She might think that I’ve forgotten her, don’t tell her it isn’t so
We had a falling-out, like lovers often will
And to think of how she left that night, it still brings me a chill
And though our separation, it pierced me to the heart
She still lives inside of me, we've never been apart
If you get close to her, kiss her once for me
I always have respected her for busting out and gettin' free
Oh, whatever makes her happy, I won't stand in the way
Though the bitter taste still lingers on from the night I tried to make her stay
I see a lot of people as I make the rounds
And I hear her name here and there as I go from town to town
And I’ve never gotten used to it, I’ve just learned to turn it off
Either I'm too sensitive or else I'm gettin' soft
Sundown, yellow moon, I replay the past
I know every scene by heart, they all went by so fast
If she’s passin’ back this way, I'm not that hard to find
Tell her she can look me up if she's got the time

Para ouvirem a música original

Saturday 21 July 2012

Onde encontramos palavras de sabedoria

"What if this is it for me? What if I'm just destined to sit around and wait for the band to get back together?"

Estas palavras estão gravadas no fundo da minha cabeça.
São do senhor Hank Moody e como tantas outras foram muito pessoais.
Também eu às vezes pareço estar à espera que a "banda se reúna" e que tudo volte a ser como dantes.
Será que seria verdadeiramente igual? Será que seria como esperava que fosse? Seria melhor que o "agora"?
Talvez não, o mais certo era não ser. Mas e se isto for eu?
A resposta que ele recebe é a mesma que eu sei que posso esperar: "You'll be waiting on a miracle."
Tão simples quanto isso.

Sunday 15 July 2012

Fallen Heroes

E um por um vejo os meus heróis, que me acompanharam durante anos, cair...
Uma nova fase começa mas as "nossas" aventuras não serão esquecidas.
Rest in piece