Monday, 24 October 2011


O outono está cá.
É a minha estação preferida.
Adoro as cores destes próximos meses.

Thursday, 13 October 2011

The Endless

"To be conscious at all is to be conscious of time, and of time's arrow: of Destiny. And to know that is to know that time must have a stop: to imagine Death. Faced with the certainty of death, we Dream, imagine paradises where it might not be so: "Death is the mother of beauty" wrote Wallace Stevens. And all dreams, all myths, all the structures we throw up between ourselves and chaos, just because they are built things, must inevitably end in Destruction. And we turn, desperate in our loss, to the perishable but delicious joy of the moment: we Desire. All desire is, of course, the hope for a fulfillment impossible in the very nature of things, a boundless delight; so to desire is always already to Despair, to realize that the wished-for Delight is only, after all, the Delirium of our mortal self-delusion that the world is enough to fit the mind"
 A origem dos Endless de Neil Gaiman como descrita no prefácio da compilação "Book of Dreams"

Tuesday, 11 October 2011


Estreia no próximo verão mas já dá que falar.
Vamos ver é se não desilude.
(No que me diz respeito tem uma cena no trailer que não gosto assim muito.)


"I wish I had an origin story for you. When I was four, I was bitten by a radioactive myth"
           -Neil Gaiman

Thursday, 6 October 2011

Dog Mendonça e Pizza Boy

Já falta pouco!
Curti mesmo o primeiro volume e de certeza que este não vai desiludir.

Tuesday, 4 October 2011

Blade Runner

Trailer Blade Runner quando esteve em exibição no cinema em Portugal.



"I could never slit my wrists. I've read too much about it - talked about it too much. It's too vivid. I would throw up. ut I could go to that man's worl and sip belladonna tea without nausea. Because I don't know enough about it. There's something vague about it, something obscure - something not quite fatal."

- Stephen Donaldson "Lord Foul's Bane"

Sunday, 2 October 2011

Star Wars

Gostava de fazer isto a algumas pessoas.
E não só em relação a Star Wars.

Saturday, 1 October 2011

Doctor Who Cartoon

Tão fixe!
Uma das minhas séries preferidas.


O que é que um gajo precisa fazer para conseguir dormir???